DigComp maps out 4 broad proficiency levels
(foundation, intermediate, advanced, highly-specialised).
These 4 levels can also be further elaborated across 8 levels offering a more detailed description of progression criteria. The 8 levels provide the granularity needed to develop learning materials, assess and recognise learning progression, and to describe tasks and competences in detail. Each of the 8 level descriptions represents a further step by the citizens in three domains:
> The acquisition of knowledge of the competence
> The complexity of the tasks they can handle
> Their autonomy in completing the task
Each description contains knowledge, skills and attitudes, described in one single descriptor for each level of each competence (8 x 21 learning outcomes). The proficiency levels were inspired by the structure and vocabulary of the European Qualification Framework (EQF) and were written as a combination of learning outcomes, using one action verb per learning outcome.
Example: A person at proficiency level 2 is able to remember and carry out a simple task, with help from somebody with digital competence only when they need it. However, a person at proficiency level 5 can apply knowledge, carry out different tasks and solve problems and help others to do so. See the visual illustration of the proficiency levels at the bottom of the page.